Taylor Anderson

I’ve loved music from an early age.
When I was about 3 or 4, I remember feeling that singing was something God wanted me to do—that singing was part of my life’s purpose. My mother used to sing primary songs to me as I’d drift off to sleep. She also introduced me to Barry Manilow, while my dad shared his love of the Beach Boys with me. (Dad also showed me that tone deaf people can still “sing.”) As a teenager, the piano became a trusted friend that was always there for me and soothed my soul. The saxophone was fun (but lasted only two lessons and some rough recordings because I couldn’t sing and play it at the same time). Voice lessons challenged me, and allowed me to spend memorable time with some very talented singers who encouraged and pushed me. Choir introduced me to mounds of beautiful music, and created moving moments of people united behind beautiful musical messages.And the guitar opened up the world of music for me as I learned about chords and chord progressions—as I learned to see all those black notes on the page very differently.
Jesus Christ and His teachings, and many of the most important moments and people in my life (like my wife and children), have at different times resulted in a song, or an arrangement or a tune spilling out from my heart. And this site is a way for me to share that music and corresponding uplifting messages with everyone who might enjoy them and share them with others, wherever you are in the world. I hope they bring peace, joy and meaning to your life!
To my family and all my music instructors over the years—thank you, thank you, thank you! And to God—thank you for the talents you’ve blessed me with, the opportunity to share them with others, and all the happiness that brings me!

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Music Can Move Us
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